Not Perfect repost

I am posting a poem that we wrote and posted in March of 2017.  I believe the message still holds today.

Today’s effort is not correct poetry.  But the message is one that I felt compelled to offer in the only words that I had to share with you.  It is my prayer and wish that you never have to think about it for your children and grandchildren.

How do we explain to our young children,

The threats because of the times we live in.

Can you ever explain a threat to a five year old?

How do we tell them of this hate so wicked and bold?

LEAVE THE BUILDING NOW, leave no one behind.

Try explaining hate to kids that you want to be kind.

This is nothing new in our heritage and history.

Have pride in who you are in the world that you see.

Let them be a child for another day.

In a world that’s not perfect in any way.

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